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  • Writer's pictureTaylor Leigh Lamb


Updated: Mar 23, 2022

today i'm 24.

24 feels very significant to me, although most don't feel that way. it's for a few reasons, but the main one is that my mom was 24 years old when she had me. which is... absolutely wild. at the time, 24 wasn't too young to have a child. it's still not, but it feels different now. for me, especially. the idea that I would have to raise a child anytime soon is baffling.

so 24 feels significant.

i changed a lot at 23. more than in a typical year, i think. as one of the privileged folks who get to work from home during this pandemic, i've got nothing but time. and i changed in ways that are delicious and exciting and feel like moving closer to who i want to be.

now before the old folks start in... i know 24 isn't old. i know i still have a lot of growing to do. but still, it's significant.

at 23, i finally started meditating regularly. that changed everything. that opened the doors for me to start practicing yoga at home, which has changed my relationship with my body. the mindfulness has made me start to think about how to become a better friend and partner. and that self reflection pushed me to finally start therapy.

this time last year, all my goals were about professional development. get my play in another staged reading, publish a certain amount of articles, etc. and I did actually have some professional growth at 23 (pre-pandemic). and then the world stopped and none of that mattered. i'm much more concerned with how i'm showing up in the world. with the way i treat those around me. with whether or not the people i love know how much i love them, and feel like they can count on me.

so not to reveal myself as a "love and light" type but that's what 24 will be dedicated to. i'm dedicating 24 to being a better listener. i'm dedicating 24 to intentionally pouring into my friendships. i'm dedicating 24 to getting more involved in that community. i'm dedicating 24 to living with intention. i'm dedicating 24 to joy and rest and self love.

i'm thankful for taylor at 23, for getting me here. and i'm hopeful that i'll look back a year from now and feel the same way about taylor at 24.


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1 Comment

Nov 24, 2020

This was a great read! I love all these things for you! Happy birthday

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