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  • Writer's pictureTaylor Leigh Lamb

ignorance isn't bliss in 2021

Updated: Mar 23, 2022

I’ve been steadily becoming more politicized since I was 16. Every year, really every day, I get a deeper understanding of the root causes that bring us here. A deeper understanding of patriarchy, white supremacy, and capitalism. This understanding makes me unwilling to celebrate so-called-victories, like the election of Joe Biden, or the conviction of Derek Chauvin.

A few months ago, someone had tweeted about how they didn’t want to learn more because “leftists” “radicals” “abolitionists” seemed so miserable. They’d rather be ignorant. Ignorance is bliss.

Is it? Y’all feel blissful?

If you don’t know that prisons aren’t where “bad people” go, if you don’t know that justice can’t be given to the dead, if you don’t know that carceral punishment can never be accountability, I can imagine feeling a moment of contentment at Derek Chauvin being pronounced guilty on all charges.

But then almost immediately after, when you found out about the police murdering a Black girl, Ma’khia Bryant? Or this morning, when you found out about the police murdering a Black man, Andrew Brown? How did you feel then? Derek Chauvin was convicted so maybe you think that means these murderers will go to jail.

But Ma’khia and Andrew are still dead. Where is the bliss?

In ignorance, without an understanding of the root causes and the systems we’re existing within, this is just life. And folks fight to reform a system that was built to do exactly what it’s doing. I don’t see any perfect happiness or joy in that.

I think bliss lies on the other side of knowing.

The only way I can survive on this planet is because I know it doesn’t have to be this way. I know that we are living inside of systems that someone else created, systems that are not innate to this planet or to human beings. I know that we don’t need the police. I know that we don’t need prisons. I know that we don’t need capitalism.

A world can exist in which Black girls live freely. A world can exist in which we are fed and housed and loved and safe and free.

Because I am not ignorant, because I see policing for what it is, because I see prisons for what they are, because I see this country for what it is, I’m able to imagine this world, where Black girls live freely. I envision it. I join those who are working to build that world.

Don’t choose ignorance. Learn about the systems we’re living in. Work with others to destroy them. That’s the only chance we have at bliss.


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