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  • Writer's pictureTaylor Leigh Lamb

My Soul is Blue and Gold

Updated: Mar 25, 2020

I’ve told my “why I chose SGRho” story a hundred times, and will tell it hundreds more, because to me it’s representative of how amazing my organization is.

I came into college knowing nothing about Black Greek life. I’d heard the words “Deltas” and “AKAs,” before, sure. But I didn’t really know what it was or anything about it that was different from (for lack of a better word), white Greek life. I had no expectations or desires to be a part of it. At the end of my first year of college, I saw a Black Sorority perform and do some… particularly out of pocket disses for other Sororities. I remember seeing that and thinking “Oh, is this Black Greek life? Black women tearing each other down? I’m absolutely good off that.” and I was.

Fast forward to a year later, and I was in an organization called “Black Women’s Initiative.” I met an older student that I really admired. She was kind, smart, and a fierce feminist. I became her friend and found out she was an SGRho. I was confused… I was intrigued. That’s not what I had thought women in Black Sororities were like. I thought “hm. Maybe I should poke around a bit.” So, I did. And fell in love with what I found. I did my cursory glance at the other Sororities but everything I found about SGRho… the way they were founded, out of necessity and not tradition. The programs they had… one that had started specifically for teen mothers, which to me was the most amazing thing in the world. It all just clicked. That was something I needed to be a part of.

But I knew that all the organizations are amazing on paper, of course, so I had to make sure it was great on the yard too. I went and got to know all the other women of Sigma on my campus. And they were all amazing. They were so kind to me, way before they ever knew I was interested. And when I did express interest, they were the same. They treated me just as kindly, got to know me, told me to do my research so I knew I was making the right choice (!!!), and never ever made me feel like I had to be anything other than I was to join their organization. That’s what every SGRho says when asked why we chose our org, right? Well, that’s cause it’s true all over the world. They let me be me. And then when I found out that Theta Lambda doesn’t diss, never have, never will… I knew it was for sure. Not only was Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Inc. for me, but Theta Lambda specifically was the right chapter too.

So, that’s how I fell in love with the org and started my journey in Sigma. And the love has only gotten deeper.

Shortly after I joined the greatest Sorority in the world, my long term relationship ended. I won’t go too deep into it (that’s a whole other blog post), but I was absolutely devastated. I was drowning, and Sigma was a life preserver. Not only because I now had Sorors who I could confide in, and who would comfort me... And I did, and they did. But I now had even more drive to pour my heart and soul into Sigma.

The summer after I crossed, when I couldn’t fall asleep because I couldn’t stop crying from heartbreak, I’d turn my thoughts to Theta Lambda. The programs we’d create. The service we’d do. The impact we’d have on our community.

And then I’d fall asleep and I’d dream about it. Over and over again, all summer long.

And then I got back to school and we did all of it.

Through Sigma Gamma Rho, my line sisters and I were able to finally create the programs we were interested in. I was able to have the type of impact I wanted. We had an interfaith brunch. We had a program for LGBT students of color. I led a program about sexual assault in the Black community. Three neos had an amazing impact on those Grounds (check the stats). I’ve never been as proud as the impacts I was able to make through this organization.

And now, post-grad, I’m still in nearly constant communication with my LS. I talk to our neos regularly. I’m active in a grad chapter. I’m moving around and finding a community wherever I go, because of Sigma.

There’s no greater love that I know.

Thank you Mary Lou. Thank you Vivian. Thank your Dorothy. Thank you Bessie Mae. Thank you Hattie Mae. Thank you Nannie Mae. Thank you Cubena.

Happy Founders’ Day to all my Sorors all over the world.

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Nov 13, 2019

A great read! Love it! 🐾

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