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  • Writer's pictureTaylor Leigh Lamb

reflections from January 1st, 2021

Updated: Mar 23, 2022

There was so much love in her life.

Sometimes the realization knocked the breath out of her. She’d be on FaceTime, cackling with her friends over something silly, and she’d realize it. Her partner would come over, with popeye’s chicken sandwiches and hemp to heal her migraines, and she’d realize it. Her friend and coworker would bring over freshly baked cookies on New Year’s Eve, and she’d realize it.

There was so much love in her life.

Growing up, she thought she was going to find it someplace else. She thought she’d meet the love of her life, her soulmate, and all the love would be there. She’d be affirmed and adored and pampered and worshipped. That would be who she would run to, who she’d tell everything to. She’d confide in them when overwhelmed, they’d know all her secrets, they’d nurse her to health when she was sick. They’d be her first call, her first want, the person she poured everything into and who poured everything into her. And she thought it would be magic.

But reality was so much sweeter. Because in reality? The love is everywhere. It’s not limited to one person and she doesn’t need to expect it from one person. The reality is that there are many people who are giving her love all the time. She only has to be willing to receive it, and to give it right back.

And she could do that. Because she finally realized, she has so much love within her.


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